Transcription: Music I What's the matter with you? What's the matter with you? What's the matter with you? What's the matter with you? What's the matter with you? What's the matter with you? What's the matter with you? What's the matter with you? What's the matter with you? What's the matter with you? What's the matter with you? What's the matter with you? What's the matter with you? What's the matter with you? What's the matter with you? What's the matter with you? What's the matter with you? What's the matter with you? What's the matter with you? What's the matter with you? What's the matter with you? What ...
Artificial World
s3m (Scream Tracker 3)
Scream Tracker 3.01 S3M
* Artificial World * Tracked and Composed By: The Zapper! of: Force Ten Killer Bunnies Fly Out To: Vizz, The Duellist, Deeply Coluche, The Night Prowler Red Leader, SkyHigh... So, here's another one for you, it's a pretty strange name for a song! I mean, I was inspired by nature and I though: What's that 'Artificial World' we live in!?! Why don't we live in harmony with the earth??? One day, it would take it back... Someday... If I could wave my magic wand, I'll set every thing all right, I'd set everbody free... Don't ask me, I'm just improvising... -Peart